Godthisislong Quotes

I would strip my skin off for you. I would let you see me, whole, with no inhibitions. I would strip my skin off for you, leaving nothing left but flesh and bone, and the tendons that flex beneath my muscle. I would let you view me in this state, entirely bare and vulnerable, and I will do it because you have simply asked. I would endure the stares and the ridicule, the sneering and the harassment, because I am doing this for you; because you asked me to. The difference is, as I streak blood throughout the house and my skin slowly dries within the closet, you will do nothing. You will not reassure me and you will hardly look my way. I have felt that recently, you have wanted to see me as a half. You no longer wish to see me as I am, but instead hidden in plain sight, shrouded in my skin. I have ground embarrassed and ashamed, but I can no longer go back; I no longer fit within my skin. I wish I could grow it back, to hide again. Perhaps then you will start loving me.
Poor little Amelie dances through meadowed snow and calm, soft lavender. She laughs as diamond dust floats above her hair, and catches snowflakes on her tongue. Little Amelie plays games by herself, as other children are scarce in such a village. Perhaps Father will play? Ponders Amelie, prior to dismissing such a silly notion. No, Father would not play - not now, not ever again. Father is often sad - has a face made of stony concrete - and does not speak. He does not have time for silly little games. He does not have time for silly little girls either.

Sometimes, when the night is vast and Amelie is restless, she will wait outside of Father's door. And she will hear him crying before he dresses for the day - although, in the eyes of Amelie, the day has not yet even begun. Amelie worries that this is the average life of an adult - fearful and upsetting, with short days and cold, long nights.

One day, Amelie decides to try and live the life of an adult. She rises at six, as the sun begins to paint the horizon in streaks of pale silver, and she pulls on her boots.

She does not come back for hours, and Father is livid when she returns - hours past sunset - and for some time she is worried he may strike her like Sister Abigail. Instead, he falls to his knees and grasps her face - so hard it would hurt if not for the look upon his face, which is cracking like plaster and becoming rather wet. He pulls her to his chest, runs a hand down her back, and whispers soft words into her hair. Amelie is confused, because she had just tried to be an adult - had succeeded rather well, she thinks - and yet Father is still sad? She does not know how to make him not-sad. But still, Father kisses her face all over, looks at her for some time - he seems tired - and then he smiles, small and crooked. Amelie startles, because...

Well, because Father is smiling. And Amelie has forgotten this face...

Such a lovely gift, this is, because suddenly Father has pulled Amelie onto his shoulders, and then they are amongst fields of virgin snow and poignant lavender. The sky breaks open and blesses them with frozen rain, and Father smiles again. He falls into the snow, makes angels with Amelie and catches snowflakes on his tongue. What a day! They build snowmen, and Father lends his scarf to a small snowman with a large carrot for a nose. They retire as the day brightens, from black to blue, and Sandman sprinkles stardust into their eyes. She is gone, to Dreamland - with snow and lavenders, and, best of all, Father smiling. When Amelie wakes, Father is still asleep, and he does not look quite so sad.

Confession #29 (This counts as Story #2 too because I said so.)

I havn't willingly ate meat in 4 years as of today
So like I was 13 when I gave it up
I remember it clearly
I was staying the night at a friend's house
They lived on a farm.
His dad comes into the house and says
'Hey. Wanna see something cool?'
So I follow him because of course I want to see something cool
He cuts a chicken's head off
Right there infront of me
And I just stood there and watched
As it flopped around,
Not wanting to give life up just yet
I remember running to the bathroom
And I cried for that chicken
Now everytime I see someone eating meat
All I can think about is that chicken's struggle.

The last time I was forced to eat meat was a few days ago
It was weird
Because like they held me down and said
'It tastes good, you'll learn to love it again'
Once again I thought of the chicken
And they're just watching as I'm sitting there like crying
I was tempted to like cut a part of my toe or something off
As a way to apologize.
Upon realizing I could never feel the pain that the animal felt as it was dying
Without dying myself
I just decided to punch a few walls,
Break some knuckles
And call it good.

Don't get me wrong,
I have nothing against meat eaters
I understand it's the normal thing to eat and all
I wont offend you for what you eat
As long as you don't offend me.
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